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The Very Last of The Summer Wine

 June, 2024

John Revell i/c D.E.S. invited us, the four "Blogg-ateers", for a final supervised tour of the remains of the departments we knew and worked in, these being the top floor, Condensery and beneath it the old Seperator floor.

Thank you, John (and Tom)

So here we are.... or were....and not in any order!

10 Steps to Hell. Condensery platform
photo courtesy John Revell.

Nothing like a little fresh air!
photo courtsey John Revell.

Old Seperator Floor in front of Roller Tanks site.
photo courtesy John Revell.

Butter Room. Notice wall supports installed.
photo courtesy John Revell

Site of the Roller Tanks
photo Bob Friendship

We didn' do all that!
Art, Al,myself & Sid - photo courtesy John Revell.

"Tom"- left, Johns' assistant - Good Man!
photo: Bob Friendship.

Condensery Floor winch now restored by Arthur.
photo: Bob Friendship.

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